A family looks out at a beautiful vista atop the castle in Platte County, Wyoming

History & Culture

In Platte County, you can walk in the footsteps of early pioneers in the morning, and settle back into modern convenience that night.

If you remember playing “The Oregon Trail,” you’ll get a thrill out of visiting the very trails that thousands of covered wagons rumbled across—and seeing firsthand the ruts their wheels left behind. No fording the river required! 

And of course, no trip through Platte County history is complete without a stop at Register Cliff, Wyoming’s own living Facebook predecessor.



Historic Sites

The famous Million Dollar Biffy at sunrise
photo: RMI Marketing

Million-Dollar Biffy

Don’t miss the most historic bathroom in the county, located in Guernsey State Park.

photo: RMI Marketing

Oregon Trail Ruts State Historic Site

Home to some of the most spectacular wagon ruts remaining along the entire length of the Oregon-California Trail, just a short walk from the site’s parking area.

photo: RMI Marketing

Register Cliff State Historic Site

A welcome landmark for pioneers along the California, Oregon and Mormon Trails, these historic sandstone cliffs hold names, dates, and messages dating as far back as 1829.


photo: RMI Marketing

Glendo Museum

Call (307)-735-4242 for current business hours

Home to a veritable trove of historic treasures, including an extensive fossil collection, a pictorial history of the construction of Glendo Dam, and hand-forged relics from the Twin Springs blacksmith shop, burned during the Battle of Horseshoe Creek.

The Guernsey State Park Museum in snow
photo: RMI Marketing

Guernsey State Park Visitor Center & Museum

Open from May 1 – September 30, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Faithfully maintained and presented as it was originally designed more than 80 years ago, with information on Guernsey’s own Oregon Trail ruts and historic Register Cliff.

photo: RMI Marketing

Hartville Museum and Community Center

Open by appointment; call (307) 836-2288

Formerly a schoolhouse, this repurposed building now houses many historic items from the town’s colorful history.

laramie peak museum
photo: RMI Marketing

Laramie Peak Museum

Open May-September, this one-of-a-kind site includes an authentic recreation of Wheatland’s first schoolhouse, along with an abundance of artifacts from Platte County’s earliest settlers.

We’re proud to be Platte—and we can’t wait to welcome you